Theology… Why Bother? 8 Reasons

Have you ever considered grabbing a thick, big, theology book? Maybe you have attempted it and stopped or perhaps you have thought you could never work your way through it. I want to give you 8 quick reasons to push past these thoughts and begin to dig in to that thick, big book.

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Heroes Part 2

Have you had a chance to read Lea Lockhart’s post yet? If not, you can do so HERE.

There is no shortage of articles and blog posts right now regarding those who have shipwrecked their faith. While some of those posts are needed and helpful, it also seems much of what is being written lacks clear thought and compassionate biblical truth.

I rarely do this… but I think it might be helpful to re-post John Cooper’s recent Facebook post. John Cooper is the lead singer for the band Skillet. While Skillet may not really fit my musically taste, his thoughts below are! Don’t misunderstand, John Cooper is not my new HERO – that spot is reserved for Christ Alone. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Continue reading Heroes Part 2

Competing Spectacles – A Review

The digital world we live in demands our full attention by creating spectacular graphics and ever – improving devices to capture our gaze and hold us beyond our initial purpose for the quick glance. What is the impact on society and what is the toll on me and you when we sit before this visual buffet?

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Worldview Matters: 5 Reasons Why I Always Seem To Have My Nose In A Book On Worldview

I read a lot. Some is for fun and some is for work. Currently, I have my nose in four books that were all written to help the reader grasp and grow in one’s worldview. One book sits on the desk next to me, two of them are on my computer Kindle App, and the last one sits on my nightstand waiting for me to return home. The other day it occured to me that I almost always have my nose in a book on worldview. It isn’t intentional, maybe I drift there, maybe I need it, or maybe it’s a bit of both. But, it has me thinking today: Why do I always have my nose in a book on worldview?

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Worldview Matters: Looking At Our Glasses

The below is a re-post of an excellent article Steve Page wrote last year to help us consider our Worldview.

An Illustration

It is really difficult to look at your glasses (while wearing them) when we are so in the habit of looking through them to take in all the beauty of this world. But for this short essay, we are going to urge you to consider your glasses—even if you don’t wear them!

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The Gospel Of “Isms” Part 2

Related image

The Gospel Of Consumerism

Warning: Consumerism is everywhere and growing. There is no getting away from it which is potentially harmful. Consumerism is like an invisible, powerful entity of its own, but it quietly infiltrates every aspect of our lives. Just look around. Sadly, as consumers, we have become desensitized to the effects of consumerism and its’ ploy of promoting our interests. We want more and more, yet we have so much.

Continue reading The Gospel Of “Isms” Part 2

If The Lord Wills (By Lea Lockhart)

The last day of school had finally arrived. I had just finished my fourth-grade year. My friend and I were so excited to begin our summer vacation. We got busy making our plans. We went back and forth saying things like “this summer I want to dig out that fort”. Over and over again we said, “this summer I want to…” You fill in the blank. We had big plans. In our minds summer was going to last forever. However, before I knew it, I was sitting at my desk on the first day of 5th grade being assigned my textbooks for the new school year. Where did the summer go?  We had plans!

Continue reading If The Lord Wills (By Lea Lockhart)

Christianity and Culture

TCC Wide Announcements - Worldview Conference.001.jpeg

Local Friends…..  This is happening at Trinity Community Church in 2 days – if there is any way possible to attend. YOU DO NOT want to miss it! If you are short on finances – please let me know and I would be happy to help!

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Worldview Matters Part 2: The House Upon A Rock (By Steve Page)

What is a worldview? Do you have one? Does Scripture express a worldview? Does my worldview really matter? These are some of the questions we are seeking to address in these posts on Worldview Matters. 

Continue reading Worldview Matters Part 2: The House Upon A Rock (By Steve Page)

Worldview Matters: Looking At Our Glasses (By Steve Page)

An Illustration

It is really difficult to look at your glasses (while wearing them) when we are so in the habit of looking through them to take in all the beauty of this world. But for this short essay, we are going to urge you to consider your glasses—even if you don’t wear them!

Continue reading Worldview Matters: Looking At Our Glasses (By Steve Page)

Marriage Builder (Creation-Redemption-Eternity)

No one sets out to destroy one’s marriage! Nobody plans to sabotage marital bliss and couples never imagined on their wedding day that their undying love would one day come to a devastating and painful end! While couples don’t plan to one day divorce, sadly, we also often don’t plan to do what it takes to grow our marriage. Think of the next series of posts as my attempt to help us all think and plan and put in some effort to keep ourselves from sabotaging the most important human relationship you and I will ever have on this earth.

Continue reading Marriage Builder (Creation-Redemption-Eternity)

Shades Of Grey, The Billy Graham Rule, #Metoo, Irony

Last week Kim and enjoyed a night out watching the new movie, Murder on the Orient Express. My wife loves a good mystery and especially loves Hercule Poirot. As we anxiously awaited for our movie to begin the typical previews announced and warned us as to what was soon to be released. One such warning came from the movie Fifty Shades Freed.

The next morning, I awoke to the news of yet another sexual misconduct allegation. This one was towards a politician or was it a Hollywood star, or perhaps it was a news anchorman? And yes…. often it is a pastor.

Continue reading Shades Of Grey, The Billy Graham Rule, #Metoo, Irony

The Gloryscope

On Monday, August 21st, an eclipse of the sun will take place across North America. This will be the first total solar eclipse to cross the United States in ninety-nine years. Eclipse chasers will set up camp and wait for those few moments of what Astronomers call totality. It is a moment of awe, a rare event of glory.

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