Why This Blog? Part 2

BBQ, blogging, gospel

“The Gospel is to be something more than just something we know….”


Have You Read Part 1?

As I mentioned in the previous post, there is a gospel resurgence in our day. And let me say loudly, I LOVE IT! This has given birth to many sermons, books, blogs, and more. It is a very good thing that the evangelical community preaches and writes to bring clarity as to: what the Gospel is! In our day, too many professing Christians are unable to communicate the gospel. Not necessarily because they are afraid to, but because they do not know the gospel. We need the true gospel, the gospel we read of in our Bibles.  This is the gospel that men have died defending in days gone by and in our day as well.  In our day, some well intentioned believers: water the gospel down to a statement such as….. God is love. And yes, God is definitely love! His Word tells us this much.  But, God is MORE than love.  (See post coming soon: What Is The Gospel?). It is my desire to help you to not only KNOW the gospel but also help you to live IN THE GOOD OF THE GOSPEL!! What does this mean?

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