I Will Be Voting For…

Ok, so welcome to my shameless moment of click bait! You didn’t really think I would blog who I will be voting for, did you? Truly, I believe I have something more important to offer you today. As Election Day draws near, I want to blog a few thoughts to root you not in red or blue, not in a Donkey or Elephant, but in some bedrock truths that will serve you no matter what happens this November. (By the way, what is up with the history of the donkey and the elephant? Couldn’t they have come up with something a little more compelling than the donkey and the elephant? I can think of a few other animals that exude a bit more strength and nobility! But, a donkey, an elephant…? Really…?)

Continue reading I Will Be Voting For…

Gospel Hope In A World Gone Crazy


Republican Debate

The start of another year kicks off with yet another disappointing Presidential debate. More, Ridiculous banter, pathetic ridicule, and pre-planned talking points. Ugh!

In the midst of the presidential banner, the turn of the calendar also has me preparing sermons on racial unity and the Sanctity of Life. Sadly, in 2016, babies continue to be born clinging to life as a result of a botched abortion. Born living and breathing, these babies are then denied proper care and are left to die and ….it’s legal!  Pouring over Psalms 139 and mingling among the massive statistics of dead babies leaves me angry, sad, numb, and oddly enough…. full of hope.

Continue reading Gospel Hope In A World Gone Crazy