I am grateful for my brothers (Aron and Cristian) that I was able to travel with all over Columbia! I can’t even begin to guess how many miles we traveled! Making visits to churches in Barranquilla, Bogata, Riohacha, Medellín and Santa Marta. (Listed Below.) We logged around 30+ preaching/ teaching hours between us over a period of 12 days. It was an absolute joy to travel and minister together! My heart is full of gratitude for both of these brothers.

For me, the trip began with a flight to Bogata – then a flight to Barranquilla to preach and teach at the seminary and in Mision Rescate. (See previous post). From there I flew out to Riohacha to be with Eduardo and Andrés and their beautiful families and preach at vida en su palabra Iglesias Christiana. Then a flight back to Bogata – then a flight home. I only missed one flight… ugh! That’s ok – many memories of running through Bogata airport trying to make my next connection to Riohacha.
It is amazing how a united mission… unites. As we traveled together and then split up to be able to visit multiple churches – our hearts were bonded together in a united mission. Furthermore, each time we met pastors and their families and brothers and sisters in Christ… the united vision of mission, for the sake of the Gospel bound our hearts together. Amazing, to see how Gospel hearts are joined together even when the challenges of languages makes conversation difficult. (I will be learning Spanish!)
I agree with Paul to the Philippians – “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you because of your partnership in the gospel…”

Please pray for Mision Rescate – this is the potential location of their future church building. It will require a lot of work and a lot more money than they currently have – God can provide!
What a joy for Aron, Cristian, and myself to be there together and not only see the current buildings and property, but also to pray with them on location. May God give them wisdom, direction, and the resources needed.

As I write this, Cristian remains in Medellin due to Covid. Please pause and pray for him that he would quickly recover and test negative so that he can fly home and be reunited with his family!
Lastly, Please pray for these churches, the pastors, and their families as they seek to “shepherd the flock” among them.

This donkey (see: “the donkey knew his job – previous post) remains amazed that I was given the opportunity to be on this trip with my brothers.

It is good to be home! Reunited with my wonderful wife (thank you Kim for supporting me in going on this trip! Kim was fine with me being away for our 31st anniversary (June 23) – but we will celebrate 31 years soon! To my greatest gospel partner… I love you!