Grace Partnership exists for mission, equipping, and care. I believe all three aspects took place many times on our trip. While I am unable to write about all the mission, equipping, and care that took place this week, I will attempt to cover a few of the stories that I hope might encourage you.

It is with great joy that I can tell you that the Gospel was preached on this trip. Furthermore, you would be so encouraged to see and hear the Gospel at work in our brothers and sisters in Columbia.
Columbia is no different than the United States in that there are many false gospels and some of them are very popular. But as for the nine churches we visited, (Aron Osborne, Cristian Moscoso, and myself) the gospel is bring preached with great conviction. It is sung with passion and understanding. The churches we visited know that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation. There is a clear understanding that this good news is our one and only hope in this world!

At the outset I want to be clear. When I say “equipping” I am not exclusively speaking about us equipping them. At the end of the trip, I am not sure who benefitted more. Columbians or Americans? And, I think that is the way it should be. Discipleship is not a one way street. There is much to learn from our brothers and sisters here in Columbia! To all those who I had the privilege to meet with and you expressed your gratitude for our time together, the thanks belongs to you! Thank you for your heart to care and love – thank you for your heart for your churches! I leave having received so much from you!
Sometimes the equipping was formal – in a teaching setting. And sometimes it is informal over a cup of coffee. Both settings are meaningful in different ways.

That said – here were a few highlights. I don’t know…. perhaps the seminary at Rescate Mission Church is the closest thing to revival I have ever seen. Now, when I say revival you probably have a certain image in mind. I am not talking about emotionalism or extravagant meetings that go on for days. I am talking about the deliberate long term desire to be trained and equipped for the sake of the gospel and the health of the local church. Men and women attend this seminary to grow in their understanding of God’s Word. I spoke with many pastors who are so grateful for the seminary and I spoke to students who may one day be planting churches themselves.
Only God knows what the far reaching affect will be due this seminary. Salmo 119 Amor Por Su Palabra (Psalm 119 Love for your Word)

What a grand privilege to stand before these brothers and sisters and teach on what it means to “Do your job” from Mark 4 or teach about pastoring in the midst of trials and distractions or exhorting them regarding their hermeneutics to “study to show yourself approved.”
How encouraging to stand before a crowd of men (men’s night) and preach John 15 to a crowd of hungry brothers. I could go on and on – there was A LOT of content delivered by Cristian, Aron, and myself. And while that was good and fun, we fly home today and the teaching doesn’t stop! The seminary has become a blessing beyond Barranquilla and beyond Columbia. Students now attend virtually all over Latin America and beyond! Last I heard there are about 1,400 enrolled students. By the way, the seminary is entirely free to anyone who wants to attend. Amazing!
Your financial support of Grace Partnership helps to support the work that is taking place here in Columbia – thank you for giving!

Oh how I wish I could bring everyone reading this blog to Columbia and give you the opportunity to see what is going on here. What a joy to be able to extend care to our brothers and sisters. A couple highlights to share with you.

Pierre is such a kind and humble man. The church Pierre pastors was in dire need of air conditioners. While I knew that Grace Partnership was going to be providing them with new AC’s – I did not know that I would have the opportunity to be in Pierre’s home at there very moment the AC’s were delivered to him! I literally found out what was happening as we walked down the road to enter Pierre’s home. I just thought we were going to meet Pierre’s family. This was the very first thing we did in Barranquilla – what a joy!
After the AC’s were gifted to him we walked to the church. The picture of the trees and the dirt (above) – that is where the church meets when it is simply too hot to be inside the walls of the church. Barranquilla = HOT!

While I loved the big meetings of preaching to the churches and the seminary, I also loved being in smaller settings. I pray these godly men and women felt cared for. While we were having many meetings with the guys (pastors), Cristian and I had an opportunity to take some of their wives out for breakfast. What a joy to be able to seek to thank them for how they serve and to share with them the importance and significance of their role. These women love the Lord and they love their husbands. What a joy to hear them regularly make life connections to the Gospel. On my last day in Barranquilla I had the priviledge of being in a 3.5 hour meeting with the Barranquilla pastors. I greatly respect and love these men. Their heart to serve, their financial sacrifice they are making as pastors, and their biblical convictions… God bless you brothers!
Many of you faithfully give to Grace Partnership – Thank you! I hope the above encourages you that it is money well spent. May God continue to bless the mission, equipping, and care.
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