It is difficult (impossible) to put into words my trip to Columbia. I will do my best but I already know these next few posts will fall woefully short in describing my time with my brothers and sisters in Bogata, Barranquilla, and Riohacha. Nonetheless, I will do my best.

Today’s post is simply an explanation of the title above. “The donkey knew his job.” That title begins to express how I would describe (Tim Merwin) seeking to care, equip, and mission for the sake of the Gospel in Columbia.
Matthew 21 records our Savior being carried into Jerusalem. This episode is quite appropriately referred to as the triumphal entry.
Matthew 21 begins as we see our Savior send two of his disciples into the village where they are to find a donkey. Their instructions are to untie and return to Jesus with said donkey. Because Jesus has a plan for this created animal. Ha! And… this donkey is about to go on mission. “If anyone asks”, Jesus instructed them, they are to simply explain of the Lord’s need for the donkey.

Furthermore, he goes on to tell them that all this is to take place to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet. King Jesus then rode into Jerusalem on the donkey. All the while the crowd of people threw there cloaks before Him, while others took palm branches and spread them on the road as well. As they followed Jesus they shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!

The commotion was so great that upon arriving into Jerusalem the Bible tells that that, “the whole city was stirred up, saying, ‘Who is this?'” Indeed! That is a question all of us ought to be asking. (Matthew 21:1-10)
Consider with me a few things we might learn from this donkey. Imagine with me the scene that Matthew describes. Try to hear the voices that are shouting and see the people as they spread out their cloaks and branches. And, then imagine with me this everyday, common donkey who has been tasked (ordained) to carry an uncommon King.
The Donkey Knew
Certainly this donkey was not confused. While there was no small amount of commotion this donkey knew his role. The donkey’s job was quite simple and quite awesome both at the same time.
Quite Simple!
Walk… carry your passenger into Jerusalem. The donkey had probably made this trip a number of times. There was nothing new or tricky about his assignment. Just do your job, donkey. And while the Savior of the world was in need of this donkey, there is nothing uniquely special about this donkey. In other words, another donkey would have done just fine. It is really quite simple and yet…
Quite Awesome!

Meaning, this donkey is carrying its creator. The Creator of the world is riding on its back. The riding into a village on a donkey to the shouts of the people was a kingly thing to do.
Mr. Donkey, you are carrying, the King of kings. The Savior – the One who has come to reverse sins curse. Yes, it is a simple assignment and yes, it is quite awesome! Carry the light of the world, donkey. Carry your Maker. Carry… God in flesh! Simple… and awesome!
You see, Mr. Donkey, you are not the reason why the people are shouting and dropping their cloaks that are soft under your four hoofs. The commotion and worship was not even once uttered in your name. None of it was on behalf of you, Mr Donkey. Actually, I doubt the shouting people even noticed that you were there. They saw you… but they looked past you to see the greatest glory the world has ever seen. The glory of the One who rides on your back. None of the shouting was aimed towards you – all of it was for the glory of your passenger.

And, in so many ways that is how I feel being here in Columbia. These pictures are visual reminders that I am to do my job! God’s people do not need a rock star – preacher. Rather, we all need to be regularly pointed to Christ. It is quite simple and yet it is stunning in its awesome glory. Preach the Word, Tim. Stick to the text, Tim. Being here is not about you, this sermon is not about you, any words of encouragement are not about you, Tim! Each of these is ultimately directed to the One you proclaim. Proclaim Christ in a similar way that the donkey carried the Lord. Preach Christ – that Christ might be seen.

How simple… how awesome! A donkey like me has spent the last ten days meeting with, encouraging, seeking to care, and preaching to my brothers and sisters in Christ! How amazing! I have had the incredible privilege to proclaim the name of our Lord and Savior! Don’t get confused Mr Donkey (Tim)! The glory does not belong to you! The glory is the One whom rides on your back. Just do your job, Mr Donkey! Keep your head down, and do your job!
Therefore, this donkey would like to close this post by agreeing with the crowds on that day – “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!
Stay tuned for, “Columbia 2021”. I hope to be posting daily the next few days – that is – if I have an adequate internet connection.
Grace and Peace to you from Riohacha, Columbia
A few links if interested:

So good, Tim! Thank you for sharing this! I’ll be reading it more than once! Praying God would help me walk this out in my life! Less of me; more of Him! He’s the One that should receive ALL glory as we each do our job!