Welcome to Gospel Connections! My name is Tim, thanks for stopping by!

I am first of all, a follower of Jesus. More on that In a moment. I am also a husband, dad, pastor, and I have some hobbies to tell you about too. My wife Kim and I have 2 amazing boys living at home and a daughter and son who are both married. This equates to six incredible kids and no grandkids……yet. :-)

I have the joy of being one of the pastors at Trinity Community Church in Titusville Fl. I love the people of Trinity! It is an amazing blessing to be able to pastor a church for 21+ years. We have walked through many ups and downs together and God continues to show Himself to be faithful! If you are looking for a church you can call home or if your passing through the area come check us out! www.trinityfla.org.
I grew up playing soccer, surfing, and pretty much enjoyed any and all sports. Due to health issues (cancer and Crohns disease and……aging!!), I am unable to continue some of those pursuits. But, I still love to watch Miami Dolphin football (in spite of their losing ways!), run some bball (if you can call what I do running…), and though I am really terrible….. I love to golf. Oh…And I love to read! Now that said, my favorite hobby is my family. It really is…. Nothing better than the crew pictured above!
While I am not a professional blogger, (your wondering…..so, why would I read this guys blog?!?) I have a passion for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His church! Here is why I would love for you to stick around and read. It is out this passion for the gospel and God’s church that I desperately desire to help you to connect the gospel to everyday life! It is out of that desire, I take up my pen (technically it’s a Mac.) and, write. So hang around! You can subscribe to Gospel Connections and get posts delivered to your inbox. You can also find me on Facebook and Twitter.
By His Grace Alone,