What does the Gospel have to do with the Good Samaritan? Is this classic parable simply provided for our morality or is there more to the story? In this final post we will delve into the Gospel according to the good Samaritan.
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Jesus And The Self Justifying Lawyer
When considering the good Samaritan most people think the parable is about being a good person to others. However, the context surrounding the parable reveals its purpose is often misunderstood. As we have seen, the immediate context of Luke 10 reveals two sets of questions between Jesus and the self justifying lawyer. What’s more, the questions exposed the lawyer’s motives, leading Jesus to tell perhaps the most well known parable of all time.
Continue reading Jesus And The Self Justifying LawyerLoving Your Neighbor (Part 2)

If you haven’t had a chance yet, take a minute and read a short introduction to this series of posts here: Loving your neighbor in a day of viral madness (Part 1).
The good Samaritan is perhaps the most well known parable of all the parables of Jesus. Amazingly, Christians and non-Christians alike are acutely aware of the story. We have all heard news casters, actors, actresses, and preachers make their point by simply stating… “he was a good Samaritan.” The assumption is that a simple reference can be made about the Samaritan and we think we know the point Jesus was making. Many assume, “It’s about being a good person/Christian… right? It’s about how we are to be a good neighbor… isn’t it?”
While we are going through this current pandemic I hope to blog a series of posts about loving your neighbor. In an effort to do this we must dig deeper into the context and the point Jesus is making in this epic parable.
Continue reading Loving Your Neighbor (Part 2)Loving Your Neighbor In A Day Of Viral Madness
Viral madness has arrived and we should all be asking the question, “what does loving your neighbor look like in this present climate?” We have all probably heard by now about the guy who hoarded over 17,000 bottles of sanitizer in his garage. While some look at the viral outbreak and think, “I can profit from this disaster.” Others go out and buy endless amounts of toilet paper while saying, “I just want to make sure we are ready.” I say, “Yikes, what exactly are you getting ready for?!?” While there is wisdom in having a level of preparedness, I wonder how much of the hoarding is driven by either fear or greed. In the next few weeks I hope to help us to explore what it might look like for us to love our neighbors in the midst of the viral madness.
Continue reading Loving Your Neighbor In A Day Of Viral Madness