Competing Spectacles – A Review

The digital world we live in demands our full attention by creating spectacular graphics and ever – improving devices to capture our gaze and hold us beyond our initial purpose for the quick glance. What is the impact on society and what is the toll on me and you when we sit before this visual buffet?

Continue reading Competing Spectacles – A Review

Image is Everything



In the early 90’s, tennis star, Andre Agassi endorsed a certain type of camera and did so with a catchy attitude. The “attitude” and the Cannon Rebel camera soared into the psyche of American culture.  If you are old enough to remember the ad campaign, you will remember its’ slogan.  “Image is Everything.”

Continue reading Image is Everything

When Facebook Defines You


I enjoy Facebook. Sometimes, I enjoy it too much. It is a curious social thing, an experiment of sorts, that we won’t know the full effects for years to come . It would be difficult to deny that Facebook has changed us. Not all for the bad, but not all for the good either.

I wonder, how much are we seeking to be defined by Facebook? As I write this last sentence, I had a train wreck of thoughts in my head…..

“No…. seriously?!?

Come on Tim!

Defined by Facebook??

That is over the top!

Who, in their right mind would let a status update, a number of distant friends, or ones latest profile pic define them?”

So, I grabbed some scrap paper and pen, and began to scribble down a quick list of how Facebook might be defining us.

Here is that list in no particular order:

1.)  You have been contemplating turning Facebook off, or getting away from it for a season. Fueled by a desire to spend time in more worthwhile places….. but you just can’t quite seem to pull the plug or make any significant changes.

2.)  You find yourself more connected to people you hardly even know or, checking the status of a friend that you have not spoken to in years becomes over and above the friends and family that you know genuinely love you and care about you.

3.)  Checking the status of a distant Facebook friend, while having coffee with a face to face friend, is more important to you than the friend that you have in front of you.

4.)  The number of social friends (who really do not know you, or truly care about you) is of greater value than the few genuine friends a person can actually have.  (There, I did it! I just checked my Facebook and I have 728 friends. Wow, how impressive am I?!? What…. you are not impressed? Why? Because you know a person can only have so many genuine friendships.)  Don’t let the number of people who befriend you or Add you as their friend…. Define you! And for that matter, don’t let those who “Un-friend” you define you either.

5.)  Ladies…. Hearing “you’re beautiful” “beautiful family” or “you deserve it” can take on an inflated meaning when Facebook defines you. Is it ok if people do NOT tell you “beautiful family” or “you deserve it”? Or, are you defined by those sentiments made by “friends” who are flying through their News feed and are compelled to leave a “You’re so beautiful” comment.

6.)  You just realized…..I wasted how much time on Facebook today?

7.)  You are no longer bothered by how much time you spend on Facebook.

8.)  You regularly over react by defending yourself and your Facebook time to your spouse, parents, or friends who, ever so gently mention: “it seems like you spend quite a bit of time on Facebook.”

9.)  You no longer send Birthday cards or write letters that express your feelings or affection.

10.)  You’re offended by this blog post!  :-)

11.)  You do not read books like you used too because Facebook is a distraction. (Personally, I have been using my iPad less as my book reader because there are too many distractions… Facebook being one of them.  I am considering going back to the Kindle.)  (PM me  ;-)  if you have one you want to sell.)

12.)  You are unwilling to admit your lack of self – discipline and cannot walk away from it.

13.)  The number of people who “like” your status update matters far too much. This is revealed by how often you check in to see who liked your post and how many likes you have amassed.

14.)  You feel the need to document your life on Facebook as if there is something in you that says people need to know that you are on vacation or out with your family.

15.)  Selfie, selfie, and yet another….. selfie.


The above may be offensive to some. Please know, that is not my intent! Nor is it my intent to, in some way, come across as if I don’t struggle with any of this myself. And lastly, it is also not my intent to start the “Shut down the Facebook” club. There are some benefits to Facebook. Maybe I will write about Facebook benefits in a future post.  Again, this is not a Facebook bashing of those who like Facebook. It is however, a call for serious and sober reflection.  And, if for some reading this post, decide to walk away permanently or for a season, I don’t think their life will suffer for it and perhaps it will benefit instead.


I would love for you to add to the list above.  You can comment below on other ways Facebook can define us.  Or if you disagree with this post feel free to share that as well.

It is ok to disagree with me….. because, this post doesn’t define me.  :-)