Book Bag Wednesday!


Welcome to Book Bag Wednesday.  T4G is going on this week and since it is below are some great, discounted books.  A few of these are for the pastors and seminary students who follow the gospel connections blog.  But, if you are not a pastor or seminary student, don’t let that stop you!  There are some great books below for everyone!  I hope you will check them out!


Click on the book cover and it will take you to Amazon where you will find prices.  

(Prices range from 99 cents to $2.99!)

Some of these book deals are only good for a few days.  So, if you see something you like, grab it!

the sending church

Stop asking Jesus into your heart

Brothers, We are not professionals

Creature of the Word

The Lion and the Lamb

Gospel Centered Teaching 

The Message of the New Testament

Like this?  Share it with a friend below!



Paul Miller Quotes Part 1

Light bulb


I am re-reading Paul Miller’s book:  A Praying Life for the 3rd time.  Go here to order a copy!   I don’t say that to impress you!  It is not impressive!  The reason I am reading it… again is because I am so dull, weak, and needy when it comes to prayer!  Maybe that is why I love this book so much.  It is for dull, weak, and needy people like me.  Below are some of my favorite quotes from the book.  Enjoy and be stirred to pray!

Continue reading Paul Miller Quotes Part 1

Relational Wisdom 360 By Ken Sande


Relational wisdom logo



Defusing Explosive Meetings

Have you ever been in a meeting that was about to explode?dynamite-300x300

You could feel the tension building with each person’s comments and knew it was just a matter of time before the dynamite went off.

It might have been a conversation with your spouse or teenager. Maybe it was a staff meeting at the office. Or, sometimes most volatile of all, a congregational meeting at your church.

Continue reading Relational Wisdom 360 By Ken Sande

Like A Child

 Like a child


To pray to the Father…. is to admit we come as His children.  

Ok, so you are thinking….. “thanks Captain Obvious”!  YEP, that is pretty obvious!  But, just because it is obvious DOES NOT MEAN, we are living in the good of these truths.  So, let’s consider a moment what Jesus is saying to us with these 2 words: “our Father”.  Check out these posts titled:  2 Words and Our, we, us….

Continue reading Like A Child

The Gospel Must Be Proclaimed by Louis Tamburro


Louis T family

Meet my good friend Louis Tamburro!  Louis loves the gospel.  He is someone I can say along with Paul….”I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel.”  Philippians 1:3-5

Continue reading The Gospel Must Be Proclaimed by Louis Tamburro

Two Words!

Father and baby hands

Let me ask you…..   When Jesus says:  “pray then like this:  Our Father in heaven”  Matthew 6:9.

  • What does that mean that Jesus tells us to pray to the Father?
  • Does this truth that we are praying to the Father have any everyday, real life significance?
  • Does praying to “our Father” affect our faith when we pray?
  • When was the last time you thought about the amazingness of these 2 words:  “our Father”?

Continue reading Two Words!

Prayer That Is Plural

Prayer that is plural

What must it to have been like to be a part of the early church?   Acts 2:42 gives us a little glimpse into those first believers priorities.  Wouldn’t you love to have heard the Apostles teach or the have fellowship with some of the 120 who gathered to pray in the upper room?  Or, how about taking communion with Peter!

Acts 2:42  “And THEY continued steadfastly in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.”

Continue reading Prayer That Is Plural

Our, We, Us….

man walking

Over the next few weeks we are going to lock in on prayer.

Question:  What does prayer have to do with the gospel?

I intentionally try to keep these posts short.  You have a lot going on and, if you are like me, there is much more to read than there is time in the day.  So, I want to respect your time by writing brief posts.  That said: It is going to take a few posts to connect prayer and the gospel – so stick around and let’s dive in!

Continue reading Our, We, Us….