Again, quick post as I am writing at 2:30 a.m. India time / it is 5:00 p.m. EST.
While, I do desire to post about the mission trip itself, I also think it is important for me to share a few personal items in an effort to give praise to God. So, here goes…..
There are 5 aspects of grace that I am thanking God for regarding this trip.
1.) Health
Most of my adult life has been marked with illness. I am very aware that I have never gone on a trip like this in the past. Actually, I have never been on a missions trip at all! And, that is simply because I have never been well enough to make a trip like this. I have wanted to go, and yet…. I did not want to be a hinderance to a participating team and who wants to be ill in a foreign country?!?
So – a loud and grateful shout of…. “Praise be to God” in making this possible. I am so very grateful for this season (3 years and 9 months) of good health!
2.) Tim and Tim. How kind of the Lord to place a desire on Tim’s (my 14 yr old son) heart to go on this trip. When we initially began discussing the trip, as a family, I did not imagine Tim would have this desire. I am so proud of all his hard work to raise the money.
Side note: Yesterday, I asked the students, “how many of you know

what a yo-yo is?” Only one of the guys claimed he knew. So, we brought this man up and asked him to give it a try. Well, let’s just say, it quickly became evident he had not seen a yo-yo before. When Tim began to demonstrate his crazy yo-yo skills, they all loved it! After the teaching session, they all gathered around him and eagerly watched. Tim and his yo-yo were a hit! :-)
What a profound blessing to be with Tim on this trip!! And how cool is it that it is both mine and his first mission trip!?!
3.) The Things We Take For Granted
Many of my pictures are darkened. This is because electricity can be

scarce. You do not leave a room without turning of a light, what little light there is. AC…. that is a rarity. At times, I find the humidity unbearable…. and that is before the sun comes out. The ministry’s facility has many windows to allow the breeze to flow through the rooms…. but, when there is no breeze… yeah, it is hot. The people love the monsoon season because the rain is what begins to bring some relief to the incessant heat.
Dishwasher…. oh my complaining heart! I have been known to complain about doing dishes or about the dishwasher being broken. Well, there is a solution. :-)
If this is your dishwasher…. it will never break!

I don’t think anything needs to be said here…. does it?!? It’s the small things in life…..
Please don’t get the wrong idea. Not every bathroom looks like this. There are some very nice bathrooms….. and…. there are some bathrooms that are much worse.
4.) Gospel Partnership
How amazing is it to travel to a distant land and not know the language and yet….. there are brothers and sisters serving the same Lord and loving the same gospel message of hope. In so many ways I have nothing in common with any of the students.

And yet, I have the one thing that binds our hearts together. We are all, sinners saved by grace and so there is this instant, mutual love for one another. Amazing!
And it is also good to be here with Aron and Elle Osborne and Mike Nash from Metro Life Church. I love these men – and Elle – dearly. We are building memories that revolve around God’s Word and the message of hope!
5.) Widespread Poverty
Words can not begin to describe and pictures….. well, they do not do it justice.

Poverty is everywhere. Poverty on an unthinkable scale. I have never seen people on top of the city dump scavenging for food. Until now. :-(
The poverty surrounds you, it is everywhere you turn.
One can not help but see the widespread poverty and not be convicted about ingratitude, complaining, and the ongoing lust for more and more and more stuff….
God help me!

As you look at this picture, keep in mind it is monsoon season. On this particular day it is not raining. But, it rains a lot!
And so…… you can imagine what the floor of this home becomes.
Mud is….. everywhere and there is nothing you can do about it. There is nowhere you can go to avoid…. monsoon rains!
God’s beautiful children pictured below. The children are everywhere! Soooo many people!
Please keep in mind that none of the

pictures shown here are slum areas. We will be visiting a nearby slum area tomorrow. The ministry cares for 350 children and many widows in the slums. So pictures yet to come….
So much more to say, so many more pictures to show you!
Thanks goes out to each of you who are following these posts and praying for us. We know it is God who sustains and keeps us from harm and keeps us in good health.
Please continue to pray for us as we seek to minister tomorrow. We want the gospel message of forgiveness and hope to advance in India!
Thank you for praying!
Thank you, Tim, for the pictures. On this end, it’s just a glimpse of what you’re seeing, so I can imagine what an enlightening experience this is for you, Tim and the others. I thank God for the good health he’s giving you to experience this. Every person should experience something like this. I’m looking around at all the “stuff” I have and it does nothing but clutter what’s real in life. Thank you again for sharing. Prayers going out your way!
Great update which takes us “there” with you. Very helpful to all who take the time to read it.
All of what God is doing is so exciting! It’s great to hear some of God’s revelation to you and how He is blessing all of you during this time away. Be mindful, be well and we shall be praying.
Thanks for the snap shots.
Oh my, oh my! Feel blessed that you are able to communicate with us back here in the states. So happy that Tim and Tim are getting to do this together and lives are being touched for God. How fun about the yo yo. Thanks for sharing at 2:30 AM when you should be sleeping. Appreciate being reminded of how blessed we are with things and wondering why is that the case for us and not them. My heart is deeply affected.
So much information about what you and Tim are experiencing…wonderful post!
Thank you so much for sharing! Praying you time there is precious, life changing and used for His glory!
So thankful for the work happening there and knowing that the Word of God will reap a beautiful harvest. May the Lord pour out truth & power in India!
Blessed reading this and convicted by my own over-abundant stuff and “needs”.
I hope your not washing dishes in that sink, word of caution don’t even brush your teeth with the water a pastor friend of mine did and was deathly sick for 4 days But God healed and blessed Praying for you God impressed on me that there will be a new measure of His Spirit come upon you that will open door’s for those in India and this church when you return. You and Tim will be first partaker.
yes Bill, we are taking every precaution we know to take. Things like brushing teeth using bottled water….. thank you for praying!
Tim, many thanks for sharing these encouraging insights on what surely is a life-changing experience.
Received the following quote today: “We are settling for a Christianity that revolves around catering to ourselves when the central message is actually abandoning ourselves.” David Platt
Let’s not settle!