I wanted to shoot out a quick post from India. Our schedule is very full so perhaps I can make a few quick posts when there is time.

The road to arrive in Ahmedabad, India was long (Travel time was in excess of 26 hours) As you might imagine, it is an exhausting trip and yet, we have felt the Lord’s strength. Upon arriving at the ministry (the
name of the ministry will remain unnamed in these posts) all the fatigue, lack of sleep, and stress from the journey quickly faded away.
That is…. it faded until about 2:00pm…their time. :-)
The ministry is a school / college for young men who have gathered

for 2 months of training and teaching in an effort to send them back to their local areas for further discipleship and eventually sent out to plant and pastor a local church. The ministry also cares for children and widows that live in the slums. (We hope to visit this part of the ministry tomorrow – weather permitting.)
It is humbling to be here, to say the least. The men listen intently and genuinely hunger for God’s Word. All of them come from Hindu families and upbringing, but, in God’s mercy, they have come to know the saving grace of Jesus Christ!
Here is the teaching schedule while we are here.
Session 1 – “What is the Gospel?”
Session 2 – “What is our response to the Gospel?”
Session 3 – “The Gospel and resting in Christ’s righteousness”
Session 4 – “The Gospel and steadfastness”
Session 5 – “The Gospel and being transformed by God”
Session 6 – “The Gospel and prayer”
Session 7 – “The Gospel and sufficiency”
Session 8 – “The Gospel and my daily protection”
Session 9 – “The Gospel and obedience rooted in love”
Session 10 – “The unity of Gospel diversity”
Session 11 – The Gospel and a burden for the lost”
Session 12 – The Gospel and loving others”
Thank you for all your prayers!
Praying for you all and those who are being taught. May the word reach many ears and hearts be affected.
Thanks for sharing this, Tim. Continuing on with our part to uphold all of you. Blessings!
Praying for you and the rest of the team!
I love the speaking topics! May those young pastors be impacted forever!
Thank you for sharing! It’s really cool to see those pics. We are continuing to pray for you guys.
Oslo glad to hear what’s going on so we can pray more specifically. Tim, isn’t it amazing that you have the strength and are in health for such a gruelling trip! That’s an answer to so many prayers!! To God be he praise!!
Yes, Danny – how incredible is it that I would have the health to make a trip at all – much less – a trip like this one…. Our God is amazing – answer to so many prayers for so many years!
Thank you to all who are following and praying!! It has been an amazing day….
You certainly could have chosen an easier “first” :)
Thanks for the update! Looking forward to hearing more.
Thanks for sharing… What great sermon titles!! How kind of God all the way around in this event. Will continue to pray for you all…(even at 3am;). May God give us the same hunger as these men.
Love seeing the mission of TCC & MLC going forward globally. Want more posts from India when you get time :-). Glad you guys are doing ok.