Mallori Luna

italy map


The below is a letter from my friend Mallori Luna.  This fall she will be traveling to Italy for Missions.  Please read the below and consider supporting her.  THANKS!
My name is Mallori Luna.  I am a 20-year-old college student that recently graduated from Eastern Florida State College with my AA degree. Like many others, I was set to continue towards my bachelors at UCF in the fall.
However, I’ve found God’s plan for us can be much different and bigger than anything you’d think of yourself.

Continue reading Mallori Luna

The Gospel in Italy of All Places

Italian flag

Meet my friends Lee & Jeannette Walti.  Missionaries to….Italy!  The below is written by Lee.  Enjoy!



Lee and Jeanette Walti

Okay, so what do you think of when you think of Italy? Rolling hills and beautiful vistas? Historic and ancient buildings and ruins? Or maybe you think of lasagna, delicious pizza, good bread, cheeses and wine? Many Americans would love to visit Italy, many regularly dreaming of going to Rome, Venice, Verona or Sicily if even only once in their lifetime for a vacation.
What most Americans usually do not think of is that Italy is a mission’s destination. They don’t think of reaching Italians for Christ as urgent in any way. In fact, the vast majority of Americans believe that Italy is well reached in terms of gospel penetration. Most assume that since the Roman Catholic Church has been well entrenched for thousands of years, most Catholics are Christians. However, there is nothing more distant from the truth.

Continue reading The Gospel in Italy of All Places