Christianity and Culture

TCC Wide Announcements - Worldview Conference.001.jpeg

Local Friends…..  This is happening at Trinity Community Church in 2 days – if there is any way possible to attend. YOU DO NOT want to miss it! If you are short on finances – please let me know and I would be happy to help!

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Worldview Matters Part 2: The House Upon A Rock (By Steve Page)

What is a worldview? Do you have one? Does Scripture express a worldview? Does my worldview really matter? These are some of the questions we are seeking to address in these posts on Worldview Matters. 

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Worldview Matters: Looking At Our Glasses (By Steve Page)

An Illustration

It is really difficult to look at your glasses (while wearing them) when we are so in the habit of looking through them to take in all the beauty of this world. But for this short essay, we are going to urge you to consider your glasses—even if you don’t wear them!

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The Gloryscope

On Monday, August 21st, an eclipse of the sun will take place across North America. This will be the first total solar eclipse to cross the United States in ninety-nine years. Eclipse chasers will set up camp and wait for those few moments of what Astronomers call totality. It is a moment of awe, a rare event of glory.

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Why The Planned Parenthood Video Should NOT Surprise Anyone, And Why It SHOULD Appall Everyone


Let’s get right to it.

1.)  Not Surprised

I don’t think we should be surprised by the two undercover Planned Parenthood videos that have been released. When I first viewed the videos, I was speechless. What we see being discussed casually over a salad and wine is absolutely deplorable. Is it illegal? Yes!  Is it amoral? Absolutely! Have we lost our minds as a society? Most certainly! But, is it surprising? I don’t think so.

Continue reading Why The Planned Parenthood Video Should NOT Surprise Anyone, And Why It SHOULD Appall Everyone