What are you doing this Sunday morning? (By Aron Osborne)

Image may contain: one or more people, people on stage and night

What are you doing this Sunday morning?

I try to keep my posts positive. There’s so much negativity in the world. I have no desire to add to it. If you will bear with me for a little, this will be positive!

I read another article today that reiterates a sad trend. Christians are increasingly viewing gathering with a local church as optional. 2 times per month is considered the new normal by some studies.

What are the reasons? One church researcher, Thom Rainer (thomrainer.com) has listed some of the reasons.

1. We are minimizing the importance of the local church.Image may contain: 3 people, people on stage
2. We worship the idol of activities.
3. People are more mobile.
4. People have more options.
5. People consider church optional.
6. People take a vacation from church.

I’m sure not all of the reasons are true for everyone, and of course, on any given weekend, there are a variety of understandable reasons people don’t participate in a corporate gathering of a local church.

But I wonder if another one of the reasons is also a needed reminder: we don’t challenge one another. We fear a friend will think we’re judging them or being legalistic in church participation, and probably a lot of other issues, so we don’t ask. Seems right in our individualistic society…right?

Image may contain: Matt Frank and Aron Osborne, people smilingMaybe I’m skewed because I’m a pastor. But before I was a pastor I remember the eagerness with which my friends and I would “go to church.” I love my local church. I love Metro Life Church. But I also wonder, “Why is such a large percentage of our membership not present on any given Sunday?” Why is there a spike in attendance at Easter and Christmas? Are we doing God a favor?

I’m not trying to guilt anyone. Not at all. I am trying to remind myself of some old truths that are STILL true:

1. God has made us for community.
2. Consider the metaphors that describe the church in the Bible: family, household, members, body.
3. I am stronger in community than out of community.
4. God urges us to not give up meeting together.
5. So much of the grace and mercy available to us is discovered in greater measure in the local church.
6. I am a better version of me in genuine, consistent fellowship than in occasional participation.

The local church can be a scary Image may contain: 5 people, including Aron Osborne, Cristian Moscoso and John Stemberger, people smiling, people standingplace…like an ER in a hospital. People bring problems, preferences, sin, weakness, sorrows. And God our Father welcomes it all into His house. I know first hand the weakness of a local church because I know me! But just sitting here seeing the images of friends at Metro Life leads me to this… “I hope I see them this Sunday!”

My family and I will leave for vacation after church one Sunday in June. But we won’t be taking a vacation from gathering with a local church in another city. Can I skip church while on vacation? Sure I can. My conscience would be clear. But Melissa and I WANT to go to church on vacation. We will worship with strangers on Earth, yet family. We will spend eternity with them. We will appreciate the diversity and differences in method, practice and worship. We will learn. We will also miss our Metro family that week.

I’m just trying to remind myself of the treasure that is my local church. Weakness, warts and all, it’s God’s gift to me for my growth, encountering grace, fillings of the Spirit, sound doctrine, corporate worship, fellowship and so much more. I watched a young adult girl, timid and quiet by nature, boldly pray over another young lady last Sunday. As she prayed that young lady was filled with the Holy Spirit! I wonder what will happen this Sunday? I guess I’ll only know if I go.

One thought on “What are you doing this Sunday morning? (By Aron Osborne)”

  1. Great article Aron, I whole heartily agree. What happens in the body of Christ as we gather together is not duplicated anywhere else on earth. Jesus is the head of the church which is His body the fullness of Christ on earth. If we want fullness we have to participate and be connected to the head with the rest of the body.
    Amen Brother

    thanks Mike

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