Sunday Worship And Covid-19

Sunday Worship - what do we do when we can't gather together?

The Covid-19 pandemic presents the worshiper of Jesus Christ with a number of challenges and no shortage of questions about church life, Sunday worship, and the gathering of the people of God. How is the Christian to think and act during this current pandemic? How does one approach Sunday Worship in a world of social distancing? What do we make of the priority of the gathering of the church and the fellowship of believers? Since Sunday is a special day for the blood bought believer of Jesus Christ, let’s consider five strategies as to how we might approach Sunday worship and Covid-19.

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An Open Letter To My Church


I just started reading Aron Osborne’s book, So Many Mountains, Which One to Climb.   I only got to page 5 of the introduction, when I had to stop; I’m deep in thought.. Aron’s focus is not even the main thing that I’m writing about, but one sentence just hit me.He’s writing about what he would and wouldn’t want people to say at his funeral. The one sentence that jumped out at me is “He was so devoted to his own tribe that he never even looked to see what was happening on the other side of the street.” That one sentence stopped me in my tracks. Hello Lea, where have you been? He’s talking about what really matters in a church and this is just a tiny sentence that jolted me awake. I”ll explain… thoughts to my church will explain what I mean….

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What are you doing this Sunday morning? (By Aron Osborne)

Image may contain: one or more people, people on stage and night

What are you doing this Sunday morning?

I try to keep my posts positive. There’s so much negativity in the world. I have no desire to add to it. If you will bear with me for a little, this will be positive!

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