There were three
Three crosses that day
Two were criminal
And One to whom some pray
Continue reading There Were Three (A Poem For Good Friday)There were three
Three crosses that day
Two were criminal
And One to whom some pray
Continue reading There Were Three (A Poem For Good Friday)Ok so if you did not read 30 Book Challenge, you might want to go back and read that before proceeding.
Some of you have asked for “the 2019 reading list.” Below are some of the books I plan to read for 2019. You should make your own list – these are books that interest me. I promise you, you will not meet the 30 book challenge unless you are picking books that interest YOU! So, don’t try to read my list. Now that said, you might find some of the books below to be interesting to you. If so, great! Let’s get to reading in 2019. Continue reading 30 Book Challenge – My 2019 List
Love reading? Hate to read? Either way, I want you to consider joining me in 2019 for a “30 Book Challenge.” In our digital, social media, high-octane entertainment age – I realize that a challenge to pick up a black and white print book is so…. 1990’s. But yes, let me challenge you back to the stone age and invite you to read this year. You might not be ready for a “30 Book Challenge” and that is fine! Just pick a good book and get started reading.
Below is a list of 10 books I enjoyed in 2018 and 10 books that I plan to enjoy in 2019. I included some of the books I call, “fun reads” and other books that require more effort, coffee, and undistracted time.
The below is a quote by D.A. Carson from his book; Scandalous – The Cross and Resurrection of Jesus.
They came alone: some women who remembered him,
Bowed down with spices to anoint his corpse.
Through darkened streets, they wept their way to honor him –
The one whose death had shattered all their hopes.
There stands a cross, near not far-
See it: on the cover of the Book,
Around the neck,
In the cool morning mist Of the ‘ol graveyard.
Propitiation. Now there’s a word we don’t hear often enough.
The cross, for the most part, seems to be accepted in our society. People seem to be comfortable with that old rugged cross. No offense is taken by it as it hangs around one’s neck in wood, silver or gold. Furthermore, culture accepts and even appreciates the rows upon rows of white crosses at Arlington. And so, the cross is accepted…. or is it?
Responsibility…. that is what I am after. Who’s to blame, who can we fault, who might we charge for Christ’s bloody death? Certainly, there were a lot of participators. But, who is ultimately responsible for the death of the Son God, Jesus Christ? Was it Judas, Pilate, the Roman soldiers, or….?
Walk with me, it is worth the journey because the answer to the question will lead us to Gospel glory.
Easter has, once again, come and gone. It was a weird Easter for me. I was on the tail end of a crazy illness that had me laid up in bed for several days leading up to Easter Sunday. On Easter Sunday, I managed to physically go to church and celebrate the truth that death could not keep Jesus in the grave. However, I am not so sure I was cognitively all there. I also wanted to write a blog post about the resurrection, but that too fell by the wayside due to being ill.
What a week….. Easter Week!
Imagine…. on this very week 2000+ years ago Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. The crowd that gathered shouted “Hosanna, glory to God in the highest”! By the end of the week He was crucified by a crowd that shouted: “Give us Barabas” and “Crucify Him”.
Wow, what a pendulum swing!
So much to consider during this, the Easter week.
The religious leaders have been seeking to trap Him and orchestrate His death. Judas steps forward to provide the opportunity to make their dreams come true.
The ministry of Jesus has been brief and powerful. He has chosen this band of brothers that have gathered around Him. Each day, Jesus is found to be teaching them and preparing them for this very week. They are the 1st Easter Community. An unlikely group. Unimpressive in every way. And yet, they will be entrusted with the continued sharing of Jesus’ life, soon to be death, followed by the miraculous resurrection.
Easter Community: This is what has my attention this week.
This is what shocks me 2000+ years later.
If you are a follower of Christ, you have been called to be a part of that community. Jesus gathered disciples 2000+ years ago….. and He is still doing that today! And, if you are a true believer in Jesus Christ….YOU ARE A PART OF THAT COMMUNITY.
And being a disciple that is a part of that community, we also, have been entrusted to tell of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. And, while there is a heightened sense of awareness this being Holy Week, the reality for all believers is that we are a part of that community every week.
As you gather with your church for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, or Easter Sunday, reflect on what Christ has done to provide this community of believers. Nothing less than the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus has made this community of believers possible!
God has brought His mercy and grace to not only you, but all who you will find yourself gathered with this weekend. But not only that, you are gathered with all the saints who have gone before you. Some martyred, some new in their faith (thief on the cross), some old in the faith, some strong, some weak, all saved by the grace of our Lord.
Amazing love, how can it be?
That you, my king. would die for me
Amazing love, I know it’s true
Its my joy to honor you
Amazing love how can it be?
That you my king would die for me
Amazing love I know it’s true
Its my joy to honor you
In all I do
I honor youChris Tomlin
To be clear, I am not suggesting you celebrate the community above the Savior. We are not gathering this weekend to celebrate, “What A Community Of Believers”. No, we gather to celebrate the Savior, “What A Savior”! But, we do so within a community of disciples.
Unlikely disciples, then and now.
This is the community of disciples I am blessed to be celebrating with this weekend!
God, you have drawn us into this community of people who follow your Son, Jesus Christ. Open our hearts to this glorious truth. Renew our hearts in this unending grace. Help us to honor you as we celebrate all that you accomplished in your life, death, and resurrection.