Sunday’s Are Amazing!

If you know me, you know I love Sundays. Why? Because that is the day the church gathers to worship our great God… together. Sure, I enjoy worshiping God throughout the week but on Sunday the church gathers for corporate worship. To hear the people of God sing with passion, pray for each other, serve and care for one another is supernatural. Truly, I am not exaggerating, it is supernatural!

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A Pastor’s Thoughts From Sunday

A lot happens before Trinity Community Church gathers for corporate worship at 10:00 am on Sundays. This past Sunday I did not have any preaching responsibilities. This means I was able to sleep in a little. When I do preach my day starts early with reviewing the sermon and making any final adjustments.

Alex Bowman preached from Isaiah 13-14 this past week, and I am sure his day started very early with the happy burden of preaching God’s Word. By the way, preaching from Isaiah’s judgement passages can be tricky! Thank you to all of you who regularly pray for the person who is seeking to handle God’s Word at your church each Sunday! Alex handled the Word with precision and conviction. I left Sunday rejoicing in God and meditating on how I might apply the appropriate challenges Alex brought to us through the preached word. It was an outstanding sermon, you can listen to it here. “The Sovereignty Of God Over The Nations”

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Random Thoughts From Sunday

I love Sunday! That day of the week when the church gathers together for the CORPORATE worship of God. Let’s face it, we live in an isolated culture. Ours is a culture that values individualism and isolation. Long gone is the front porch where neighbors sit and chat. Instead we have garage doors we can pull into, shut the door, and never engage with a neighbor or stranger walking the street. So, each week the church gathers, and as it does, it swims against culture and swims against the lust of our own hearts that just wants to get away from it all and huddle in our cave of isolation.

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