I am grateful for my brothers (Aron and Cristian) that I was able to travel with all over Columbia! I can’t even begin to guess how many miles we traveled! Making visits to churches in Barranquilla, Bogata, Riohacha, Medellín and Santa Marta. (Listed Below.) We logged around 30+ preaching/ teaching hours between us over a period of 12 days. It was an absolute joy to travel and minister together! My heart is full of gratitude for both of these brothers.
Continue reading Gospel Friendships (Quick Post)Category: The Gospel
Grace Partnership Exists For…

Grace Partnership exists for mission, equipping, and care. I believe all three aspects took place many times on our trip. While I am unable to write about all the mission, equipping, and care that took place this week, I will attempt to cover a few of the stories that I hope might encourage you.
Continue reading Grace Partnership Exists For…The Donkey Knew His Job (Columbia 2021)

It is difficult (impossible) to put into words my trip to Columbia. I will do my best but I already know these next few posts will fall woefully short in describing my time with my brothers and sisters in Bogata, Barranquilla, and Riohacha. Nonetheless, I will do my best.
moreWhy Am I Intimidated By Others

Uncovering some tricky stumbling blocks along life’s path.
By Kim Merwin
I remember being so excited to gather with other women and discuss growing in godly womanhood. I was 29, with two children, had been a Christian for 14 years. We would meet tonight at 7pm! I had my Bible and notebook, I was filled to the brim with expectation. I would learn from these ladies and with them. New sisters in Christ! I couldn’t wait! Little did I know what lay ahead.
Continue reading Why Am I Intimidated By OthersForgiveness in Marriage

Forgiveness in marriage by Elizabeth Johnson
Forgiveness in marriage. Where do I begin? The bible school answer is to say, “I should forgive my spouse because Christ has already forgiven him.”
That is easier said than done.
Continue reading Forgiveness in MarriageI Will Be Voting For…

Ok, so welcome to my shameless moment of click bait! You didn’t really think I would blog who I will be voting for, did you? Truly, I believe I have something more important to offer you today. As Election Day draws near, I want to blog a few thoughts to root you not in red or blue, not in a Donkey or Elephant, but in some bedrock truths that will serve you no matter what happens this November. (By the way, what is up with the history of the donkey and the elephant? Couldn’t they have come up with something a little more compelling than the donkey and the elephant? I can think of a few other animals that exude a bit more strength and nobility! But, a donkey, an elephant…? Really…?)
Continue reading I Will Be Voting For…The Pandemic Of Separation

The pandemic of separation has been long and unfortunately things returning to normal does not seem to be right around the corner. This week kids returned to school in the county where I live. However, this will most certainly cause there to be a renewed outcry on social media due to the inevitable uptick of Covid-19 positives.
Continue reading The Pandemic Of SeparationPandemics, Racism, and The Fall of Man

If there is one thing that has been confirmed in our current culture it is this… humanity is fallen. It is quite hard to imagine that there are many who still hold to the idea that humanity is basically good. However, that continues to be the popular viewpoint in our day despite what we see daily before us and what we know to be true about us. It took no time at all this year, 2020, to expose the heart of humanity and its fallen state. We are not basically good!
Continue reading Pandemics, Racism, and The Fall of ManThe Gospel According To The Good Samaritan
What does the Gospel have to do with the Good Samaritan? Is this classic parable simply provided for our morality or is there more to the story? In this final post we will delve into the Gospel according to the good Samaritan.
Continue reading The Gospel According To The Good SamaritanHeroes

By Lea Lockhart
When I was a young girl, I had a teacher named Mrs. Harris. She was so pretty with her long eyelashes and perfect make-up. She dressed very nice every day. Her nails were long and painted pink. I remember her shoes, they made a really cool sound when she walked across the hard terrazzo floor, almost like tap shoes. She wore a different necklace every day. As a little girl, I wanted to be just like her. When I played school with my friends, I was always Mrs. Harris. In my eyes, Mrs. Harris was perfect and I wanted to be just like her until one day I saw her in the grocery store. To my dismay, she didn’t have any makeup on and she
Continue reading HeroesCompeting Spectacles – A Review

The digital world we live in demands our full attention by creating spectacular graphics and ever – improving devices to capture our gaze and hold us beyond our initial purpose for the quick glance. What is the impact on society and what is the toll on me and you when we sit before this visual buffet?
Continue reading Competing Spectacles – A ReviewThere Were Three (A Poem For Good Friday)

There were three
Three crosses that day
Two were criminal
And One to whom some pray
Continue reading There Were Three (A Poem For Good Friday)An Open Letter To My Church

I just started reading Aron Osborne’s book, So Many Mountains, Which One to Climb. I only got to page 5 of the introduction, when I had to stop; I’m deep in thought.. Aron’s focus is not even the main thing that I’m writing about, but one sentence just hit me.He’s writing about what he would and wouldn’t want people to say at his funeral. The one sentence that jumped out at me is “He was so devoted to his own tribe that he never even looked to see what was happening on the other side of the street.” That one sentence stopped me in my tracks. Hello Lea, where have you been? He’s talking about what really matters in a church and this is just a tiny sentence that jolted me awake. I”ll explain… thoughts to my church will explain what I mean….
Continue reading An Open Letter To My ChurchWorldview Matters: 5 Reasons Why I Always Seem To Have My Nose In A Book On Worldview

I read a lot. Some is for fun and some is for work. Currently, I have my nose in four books that were all written to help the reader grasp and grow in one’s worldview. One book sits on the desk next to me, two of them are on my computer Kindle App, and the last one sits on my nightstand waiting for me to return home. The other day it occured to me that I almost always have my nose in a book on worldview. It isn’t intentional, maybe I drift there, maybe I need it, or maybe it’s a bit of both. But, it has me thinking today: Why do I always have my nose in a book on worldview?
Continue reading Worldview Matters: 5 Reasons Why I Always Seem To Have My Nose In A Book On WorldviewWorldview Matters: Reinventing Jesus

Ours is a culture that seeks to reinvent Jesus. Ours is a day that longs for a Jesus who is more like us. A Jesus that will conform to our image and accept us at all cost. In our culture we don’t want the Jesus of the Bible – that old book that is often viewed as irrelevant and contradictory. We want a domesticated Jesus; a Jesus that keeps His distance and doesn’t impose too much on our lives. We don’t want the Jesus of love that cares enough about us to confront us like a loving Father, no, not that Jesus. We prefer a Jesus who agrees with me, understands me, and conforms to… me.
Continue reading Worldview Matters: Reinventing Jesus