Trinity Community Church,
I can not begin to tell you how encouraged I was this past Sunday in our time of prayer. If you were there, I am sure you were encouraged as well! If you were not there, you too should be encouraged to know your church is gathering to pray!
We all should be encouraged: Not because there was a certain “number” of people that came out to pray. It is NOT about numbers…. Rather, be encouraged because the number of people that came out to pray represents our hearts. It reveals desire. God is at work, stirring us to pray, asking Him to move in our midst.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR RESPONSE TO: Gospel transformation shapes our lives in being – “DEVOTED TO PRAYER!!!”
Romans 12:12
Let’s join together again this Sunday at 9:15. And, let’s once again fill up the Resolved room – asking God to do what only He can do!
2 Quick Thoughts:
“Only BY God and only FOR God”
1.) As you pray, (Once a day), and as we gather to pray this Sunday, (Once a week).
Let’s pray for what God alone can do!!
Consider Gideon:
When God whittled down Gideon’s army he did not do so randomly. God had a very real purpose.
Judges 7:2 “The people with you are too many for me to give the Mideanites into their hand. Lest Israel boast over me, saying, ‘My own hand saved me.’”
So, as you know, God brings the number of Gideon’s army to a terrifying small number of people. Imagine if you were Gideon!! He starts with a small army of 32,000 people and ends with an army of 300 people!!
So Israel would NOT boast in themselves and say – “we saved ourselves”. NO – God takes them down to 300 so that ALL the surrounding nations would recognize the power of the living God, and Israel would give ALL THE GLORY TO GOD FOR THE VICTORY!
Trinity Community Church – Let’s pray prayers that:
- when God moves…. all we can say is – “All Glory be to God”!
- And, we will say this because we will know that what has taken place is only BY God and FOR God.
- The victory or the answers to our prayers are NOT about us.
Not to us, O LORD, not to us, But to Your name give glory Because of Your lovingkindness, because of Your truth
Psalms 115:1
One of the things we are praying for is life changing transformation. Salvation! Salvation is not natural, it is supernatural. It is not accomplished by man. It is a work done by the sovereign hand of God alone.
Darkness turning to light / What is dead being made alive in Christ Jesus….. SALVATION!
Church, we can not produce that! Programs won’t produce salvation. Neither will preaching, right parenting, or evangelism.
Yes, He chooses to use us.
Romans 10:14 – How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him uof whom they have never heard?And how are they to hear vwithout someone preaching?
By all means we preach, parent, and evangelize. These are all great things, but outside of the Spirit of the Living God moving…. we can not bring about a single salvation! But the Sovereign God is able! So, we pray for MANY salvations.
O, that we would see such a move of the Spirit of God in our community that we would stand back and say “only God” and “to You alone be the glory!”
2.) On a very quick, practical note:
Last week there was standing room only for the prayer meeting. How incredible is that?!? 2 things to consider:
a.) As you arrive make your way into the room and away from the door so that people who continue to come in are not bottlenecked at the doorway.
b.) For our men: Unless you have a health issue or back issue, etc…. Offer your seat to the ladies!
Thank you for seeking to be “Devoted to Prayer”!
In Christ Alone,