When considering the good Samaritan most people think the parable is about being a good person to others. However, the context surrounding the parable reveals its purpose is often misunderstood. As we have seen, the immediate context of Luke 10 reveals two sets of questions between Jesus and the self justifying lawyer. What’s more, the questions exposed the lawyer’s motives, leading Jesus to tell perhaps the most well known parable of all time.
Continue reading Jesus And The Self Justifying LawyerCategory: Worship
Sunday Worship And Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic presents the worshiper of Jesus Christ with a number of challenges and no shortage of questions about church life, Sunday worship, and the gathering of the people of God. How is the Christian to think and act during this current pandemic? How does one approach Sunday Worship in a world of social distancing? What do we make of the priority of the gathering of the church and the fellowship of believers? Since Sunday is a special day for the blood bought believer of Jesus Christ, let’s consider five strategies as to how we might approach Sunday worship and Covid-19.
Continue reading Sunday Worship And Covid-19Sunday’s Are Amazing!

If you know me, you know I love Sundays. Why? Because that is the day the church gathers to worship our great God… together. Sure, I enjoy worshiping God throughout the week but on Sunday the church gathers for corporate worship. To hear the people of God sing with passion, pray for each other, serve and care for one another is supernatural. Truly, I am not exaggerating, it is supernatural!
Continue reading Sunday’s Are Amazing!To the weary believer in Christ

To the tired believer in Jesus Christ
You are worn out, ragged and weary. You feel tired and at times you think; “I am at the end of my rope.” You find yourself wondering… where is the hope?
Continue reading To the weary believer in ChristA Pastor’s Thoughts From Sunday

A lot happens before Trinity Community Church gathers for corporate worship at 10:00 am on Sundays. This past Sunday I did not have any preaching responsibilities. This means I was able to sleep in a little. When I do preach my day starts early with reviewing the sermon and making any final adjustments.

Alex Bowman preached from Isaiah 13-14 this past week, and I am sure his day started very early with the happy burden of preaching God’s Word. By the way, preaching from Isaiah’s judgement passages can be tricky! Thank you to all of you who regularly pray for the person who is seeking to handle God’s Word at your church each Sunday! Alex handled the Word with precision and conviction. I left Sunday rejoicing in God and meditating on how I might apply the appropriate challenges Alex brought to us through the preached word. It was an outstanding sermon, you can listen to it here. “The Sovereignty Of God Over The Nations”
Continue reading A Pastor’s Thoughts From SundayRandom Thoughts From Sunday

I love Sunday! That day of the week when the church gathers together for the CORPORATE worship of God. Let’s face it, we live in an isolated culture. Ours is a culture that values individualism and isolation. Long gone is the front porch where neighbors sit and chat. Instead we have garage doors we can pull into, shut the door, and never engage with a neighbor or stranger walking the street. So, each week the church gathers, and as it does, it swims against culture and swims against the lust of our own hearts that just wants to get away from it all and huddle in our cave of isolation.
Continue reading Random Thoughts From SundayHeroes Part 2

Have you had a chance to read Lea Lockhart’s post yet? If not, you can do so HERE.
There is no shortage of articles and blog posts right now regarding those who have shipwrecked their faith. While some of those posts are needed and helpful, it also seems much of what is being written lacks clear thought and compassionate biblical truth.
I rarely do this… but I think it might be helpful to re-post John Cooper’s recent Facebook post. John Cooper is the lead singer for the band Skillet. While Skillet may not really fit my musically taste, his thoughts below are! Don’t misunderstand, John Cooper is not my new HERO – that spot is reserved for Christ Alone. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
Continue reading Heroes Part 2I Have Amnesia!!
What are you doing this Sunday morning? (By Aron Osborne)
What are you doing this Sunday morning?
I try to keep my posts positive. There’s so much negativity in the world. I have no desire to add to it. If you will bear with me for a little, this will be positive!
Continue reading What are you doing this Sunday morning? (By Aron Osborne)
The Gloryscope
On Monday, August 21st, an eclipse of the sun will take place across North America. This will be the first total solar eclipse to cross the United States in ninety-nine years. Eclipse chasers will set up camp and wait for those few moments of what Astronomers call totality. It is a moment of awe, a rare event of glory.
Mystery of Mysteries
I like a good mystery! Not the predictable sort; I like the ones that challenge the mind and stretch the imagination. The kind you almost feel like you have to work for to understand.
There is a mystery found in God’s Word. It is the ultimate mystery – A mystery of mysteries. No earthly mystery compares to the mystery of the gospel! Sadly, we do not dwell on the contents or the characters of the mystery enough. But when people do, I find the response is either worship or rebellion. Some behold the mystery and worship, while others grow angry and defiant.
In considering both responses, let’s first unpack the mystery.
Making God In Our Own Image
Have you considered the stunning news of Genesis 1:27? “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”
Grace, The God Who Is More
Grace, she takes the blame
She covers the shame
Removes the stain
It could be her name
What once was hurt
What once was friction
What left a mark
No longer stings
Because Grace makes beauty
Out of ugly things
Bono, U2
All of life teaches us to earn. We earn a paycheck, a grade, or even a reward… all are based on our performance. Performance, Performance, Performance. When it comes down to it, our culture says, “This is what matters.” Parents, marriages, workplace, churches, and all the rest wraps itself in rewards. Society shouts performance. Evaluations by peers and evaluation of ourselves is all blanketed in performance.
And so, when we come to an understanding of grace, it is not surprising that we hiccup!
The Cultural Yawn Of Christmas
The below is a bit of a repost and re-working of an article I wrote last year.
John 1:1-2
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.John 1:14
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us…..
The Almighty God took on human flesh…
He was born miraculously of the virgin Mary….
Herod tried to have Him killed as a newborn….
The King is a Servant
I loved to be served. Actually, don’t we all?
Have you noticed that nobody had to teach you to enjoy being served? It comes very natural to me. Maybe it is my gift? Tim, gifted by God to be……. served. Hmmmm, I like it. :-)
But serving others is another story. Because serving is well….. serving.