8 Ways: Sliding Into Slothfulness


Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.

(Romans 12:11 ESV)

On Sunday – August 24 – I preached a sermon at Trinity Community Church from the text above.  You can listen to it by clicking on the links at the right side of this blog.  Time did allow me to quite finish – so I am posting these 8 points that I did not cover in the sermon.  

You do not have to listen to the sermon for the 8 points below to make sense.  Read, Enjoy, and prayerfully consider….


The slide: from fervency to slothfulness:

1.  Forget the gospel. Forget what the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit has done to bring you from death to life!

2. Forget that this life is a blip on the screen. Life is short – eternity is not. One day soon I will go to meet him! There is no time for slothfulness!

3. Allow prayer and Gods Word to decreases in importance.

4. Begin to see gathering with God’s people as not all that important.

5. Become critical of the people around you.

6. Start to build your life around those who lack biblical convictions.

7. Pursue ungodliness in secret.

8. Allow your heart to grow slothful to the things of God.


Every believer experiences peaks and valleys.  But, perhaps you can identify one or two things from the list above that requires your attention.

Ice Bucket Challenge And Life

ice bucket

I am not typically a “current events blogger”.  But, occasionally, I feel the need to do a current events post.  First, I want to state loudly and clearly what I LOVE about the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.

1.)  ALS Awareness:  Who can’t love the attention ALS is getting these days?  It is incredible!  Videos that are often funny, or failed miserably, done by people who are friends and close to you, and done by the comedians, actors, athletes, etc….  Seriously, what is there not to love about it?

2.)  Viral Generosity:  You got to love generosity that goes viral!  We need more of that in our world!

3.)  I have a long health history:  I have received so much from organizations and people!  Here is a shout out to the  Winn Dixie Hope Lodge – my home away from home when I was receiving radiation.  So, how can I NOT love this?!?


As a matter of my conscience, I can not participate in the challenge. Please know, I am not trying to stand in judgement of those who have engaged in the ALS challenge nor am I trying to be a downer to the generosity displayed!!  Hang with me to the end of the post!

ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) is a progressive, neurodegenerative disease.  It is fatal and there is no cure.  My heart goes out to anyone who is facing this disease.  My cancer history (diagnosed at 25 – extensive treatments of chemo and radiation) is now in remission.  But, that and other diseases I have wrestled with causes my heart to go out to those ALS.

The Ice Bucket Challenge And LIFE:

1.)  Follow the money:  The ALS Association is the lead ALS organization.  (http://www.alsa.org).  Keep in mind – not all ALS charities are created equal.  But, the lead ALS charity gave a $500,000 to NEALS last year.  (Will that amount increase this year due to the current viral challenge?  I would assume….)  NEALS runs clinical trials for ALS.  (http://www.alsconsortium.org) And here is the problem:  NEALS uses embryonic stem cells.  Read More Here From Lifenews.com. and a slew of other sources you can easily research this!

I am pro- life.  All life.  ALS lives and babies in the womb lives.  If the heart is beating…. I believe in life!  And so, I have no category for donating to a group that sees no problem with ending a life.

Some, are reading this and they are angry with me.  Some may think I am overreacting.  You might be thinking – if you had ALS you might think differently.  Not true.

2.) My Health History

I also have Crohn’s disease.  Due to my cancer history, I have been unable to take what is considered the typical Crohn’s medications.  They carry a cancer risk and with my cancer history they carry too high of a risk.  So, Crohn’s has been quite the challenge for me.  Much to say…. but I will spare you the details.

My point is that at one time I was offered the opportunity to participated in a stem cell trial research.  Maybe this will be a source of relief!  Maybe this could be an answer!  The excitement and anticipation was incredible.  Thrilled with the news when my doctor told me what he was recommending.  A game changer?  A LIFE changer?  PLEASE!!

And yet, I swallowed hard and asked him – is it adult stem cell or fetus?

I am grateful that he replied it is adult because if it were fetus…. No!  How could I take a life in an effort to save mine?

3.)  My God:  Psalm 139:13-19

For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them.

How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
If I would count them, they are more than the sand.
I awake, and I am still with you.

Oh that you would slay the wicked, O God!
O men of blood, depart from me!

(Psalm 139:13-19 ESV)

4.)  My Money

There are so many great organizations out there.  Research them and get involved. Consider how you might not only donate your money but volunteer your time.  Because of my convictions I enjoy supporting Pregnancy Resources.   You might want to look them up, and dump some ice water for them!  Or, if you want to donate for ALS research, my understanding is that Team Gleason is worthy of your donated dollars.

I hope some of the above helps.  Let’s pray for ALS victims today and consider how we might serve them!


7 Reasons Why I Love “Trinity”


I have had the extreme privilege of pastoring in the same church these last 18 years.  Recently, we have been going through some big changes.  One of those changes is our name.  We are no longer Sovereign Grace Church.  We are now officially Trinity Community Church.

Here are a few reasons why I like our new name.

1.)  I didn’t “pick” the name.  Why, you ask, is this a reason for Tim to like the new name?  Well, it is because it represents a healthier day for us as a church.  Let me explain:

In the past, I was the SR. Pastor.  Emphasis on “Sr.”  Which means I called the shots.  Sadly, this created a lack of input, a lack of decision making accountability, and wisdom.  Structurally, I believe this has hindered us.  Don’t get me wrong, God has been kind!  He has blessed us over the years and has used this church in spite of the Sr. Pastor.  But, a few years back we recognized we needed to make some major shifts in how we do things.  Now I am one of 5 elders, and I love it!  The elders sought to hear from the church and gain input from everyone who was willing to chime in on the name.

In the end, I liked a couple of names.  Some of the elders really liked Trinity. I was a bit more….indifferent towards the name.  It was a joy for me to participate in the conversations and not feel the need to lead the charge.

2.)  I like the name!  As we kicked around many potential names, Trinity grew on me.  I went from indifferent to passionate.  In the beginning of our discussions it sounded old, dated, and, well…. Catholic.  But, the more we chatted and prayed the more the name stood on its own.  TRINITY!  I love it!

But more than that….. It is rooted in who God really IS.  He has revealed Himself to us as 1 God in 3 Persons.

“Seeing God as both one and three is important because through this we can understand better the ways in which the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit relate to one another and do their work.”  Bruce Ware

3.)  It is a name with historical roots:  Trinity (as a name) has endured throughout history.  And, it’s is not going anywhere in the future either!  A historical name for a contemporary church that loves historically rooted doctrines.  We love theology, and rather than shying away from theology, we seek to embrace it and help believers understand it.  Trinity IS theology!

4.)  I like the idea of being a contemporary church with a historic name.  People will be doing a google search for churches in Brevard county and when they see Trinity Community Church perhaps they will think of an architectural style, or a certain denomination, or a particular liturgy.  We don’t really fit into most of the boxes people will want to put us in.  Trinity Community Church is a people who deeply love and celebrate the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

5.)  There is one God:  The Father is God, The Son is God, The Spirit is God.  When we look at each aspect of the Trinity we are looking at relationship in the Godhead and relationship with us.  The Father, Son, and Spirit all participated in your salvation!  We will be looking at each of these in future posts in an effort to make some Trinitarian Gospel Connections.

6.)  It has and will stand the test of time.  Trinity is a name that will last.  We trust another name change will not be needed in the future!

7.)  Trinity is worship.  It is not just a term or factual information to learn for knowledge sake.  It is worship.  To consider the nature and the extent of the Trinity is to be found in awe of our great God!


Many more posts to come to help us understand the Trinity.  Subscribe above (Top Right) of this page to have Gospel Connections delivered to your inbox!  


Mallori Luna

italy map


The below is a letter from my friend Mallori Luna.  This fall she will be traveling to Italy for Missions.  Please read the below and consider supporting her.  THANKS!
My name is Mallori Luna.  I am a 20-year-old college student that recently graduated from Eastern Florida State College with my AA degree. Like many others, I was set to continue towards my bachelors at UCF in the fall.
However, I’ve found God’s plan for us can be much different and bigger than anything you’d think of yourself.

Continue reading Mallori Luna

Thirsty? (Part 2)



Snickers Satisfies


Does it?  Isn’t the advertising scheme of Snickers that it does NOT satisfy.  Is the marketing scheme of Snickers aimed at ultimate chocolate bar satisfaction? Of course not!  That would be the death of Snickers.  The marketing hope of ALL marketers is to create a longing for their product so strong that you will return again and again and buy their product. They want to create a hunger for, yet ANOTHER, “satisfying” Snickers bar?

Continue reading Thirsty? (Part 2)



They say a good writer grabs your attention with the first sentence.  That is how Psalms 63 was written.  Right out of the gate David lands on the dry and weary soul.  It’s a thirsty Psalm.  A hungry and parched Psalm.  Written from the wilderness, the psalmist knows something about living thirsty.  Check it out!

Continue reading Thirsty?

The Gospel in Italy of All Places

Italian flag

Meet my friends Lee & Jeannette Walti.  Missionaries to….Italy!  The below is written by Lee.  Enjoy!



Lee and Jeanette Walti

Okay, so what do you think of when you think of Italy? Rolling hills and beautiful vistas? Historic and ancient buildings and ruins? Or maybe you think of lasagna, delicious pizza, good bread, cheeses and wine? Many Americans would love to visit Italy, many regularly dreaming of going to Rome, Venice, Verona or Sicily if even only once in their lifetime for a vacation.
What most Americans usually do not think of is that Italy is a mission’s destination. They don’t think of reaching Italians for Christ as urgent in any way. In fact, the vast majority of Americans believe that Italy is well reached in terms of gospel penetration. Most assume that since the Roman Catholic Church has been well entrenched for thousands of years, most Catholics are Christians. However, there is nothing more distant from the truth.

Continue reading The Gospel in Italy of All Places

What Do You Treasure?



When I was a kid many matchbox cars were exchanged among friends.  Then, I grew up into a mature 10 year old and it was  baseball cards that were traded on the school playground during recess.

When we make a trade we are placing value on what is being traded.

Continue reading What Do You Treasure?


Civil War

A young man who fought in the Civil War felt the need to get back home and help his family farm the coming harvest. Mom needed help!  You see this mother had already lost 2 of her sons and her husband in the war.  So, the young man approached his captain to get his permission to return home for the harvest season.  “Request Denied”,  said the captain, on the grounds that he did not have the authority to grant such a request.

Continue reading Access!

The Plan


The Plan


If you are at all like me, sometimes you struggle with the plans of God.  Bottom line….  I struggle because I think I have a better plan.  Isn’t that what it all comes down to?

I think I have a better plan.

I am not getting what “I” want.

I think I would do a better job if “I” were sovereign.


It is sad…. but, it is true.

Continue reading The Plan

Praying Like A – Not so Good – Tax Collector!



I love the story of the Pharisee and the tax collector!  But before we press on – take a moment to read the text.

He also told this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and treated others with contempt: “Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee, standing by himself, prayed thus: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I get.’ But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, a sinner!’ I tell you, this man went down to his house justified, rather than the other. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.”

(Luke 18:9-14 ESV)

Continue reading Praying Like A – Not so Good – Tax Collector!

The Question Is…..

the question is

The question is….. do you pray to an infinite God?  OR, What does it mean to pray to an infinite God?

Psalms 90:2

Before the mountains were brought forth,
or ever you had formed the earth and the world,
from everlasting to everlasting you are God.

Continue reading The Question Is…..

Seattle Campus Shooting

Seattle Campus Shooting


I don’t normally post about current news.  Not that that is bad, its just not my thing.  That said, I was so moved when I read the recent statement made by Jon Meis.  Jon is the “hero” in the Seattle Pacific University shootings.  You probably have heard: while the gunman was reloading his weapon, Jon stepped in by pepper spraying the gunman and detaining the shooter.  If he had not done so, there would have likely been more tragedy.  Jon does volunteer security for the school.  So get this……  Jon the volunteer stepped in to a life threatening situation.  This is a small private college.  So, his security duties in the past probably include making sure the doors are locked and handing out student demerits for minor offenses.  But, on this day…. he was a hero.

Continue reading Seattle Campus Shooting

For Our Good and His Glory Part 2


“Life is but a Weaving”

(the Tapestry Poem)

“My life is but a weaving Between my God and me.

I cannot choose the colors He weaveth steadily.

Oft’ times He weaveth sorrow;

And I in foolish pride Forget He sees the upper And I the underside.

Not ’til the loom is silent And the shuttles cease to fly

Will God unroll the canvas And reveal the reason why.

The dark threads are as needful In the weaver’s skillful hand

As the threads of gold and silver In the pattern He has planned

He knows, He loves, He cares; Nothing this truth can dim.

He gives the very best to those Who leave the choice to Him.”

Corrie ten Boom

Continue reading For Our Good and His Glory Part 2