Psalm 62 Video

Aron and Tim teaching Psalm 62

Yesterday, Aron Osborne and I were able to snag a brief bit of time together to record a joint Grace Partnership sermon from Psalm 62. I hope that if you take 30 minutes to watch the video your soul will be encouraged by this great Psalm.

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Loving Your Neighbor In A Day Of Viral Madness

Loving your neighbor in the midst of viral madness

Viral madness has arrived and we should all be asking the question, “what does loving your neighbor look like in this present climate?” We have all probably heard by now about the guy who hoarded over 17,000 bottles of sanitizer in his garage. While some look at the viral outbreak and think, “I can profit from this disaster.” Others go out and buy endless amounts of toilet paper while saying, “I just want to make sure we are ready.” I say, “Yikes, what exactly are you getting ready for?!?” While there is wisdom in having a level of preparedness, I wonder how much of the hoarding is driven by either fear or greed. In the next few weeks I hope to help us to explore what it might look like for us to love our neighbors in the midst of the viral madness.

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Random Thoughts From Sunday

I love Sunday! That day of the week when the church gathers together for the CORPORATE worship of God. Let’s face it, we live in an isolated culture. Ours is a culture that values individualism and isolation. Long gone is the front porch where neighbors sit and chat. Instead we have garage doors we can pull into, shut the door, and never engage with a neighbor or stranger walking the street. So, each week the church gathers, and as it does, it swims against culture and swims against the lust of our own hearts that just wants to get away from it all and huddle in our cave of isolation.

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Theology… Why Bother? 8 Reasons

Have you ever considered grabbing a thick, big, theology book? Maybe you have attempted it and stopped or perhaps you have thought you could never work your way through it. I want to give you 8 quick reasons to push past these thoughts and begin to dig in to that thick, big book.

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Heroes Part 2

Have you had a chance to read Lea Lockhart’s post yet? If not, you can do so HERE.

There is no shortage of articles and blog posts right now regarding those who have shipwrecked their faith. While some of those posts are needed and helpful, it also seems much of what is being written lacks clear thought and compassionate biblical truth.

I rarely do this… but I think it might be helpful to re-post John Cooper’s recent Facebook post. John Cooper is the lead singer for the band Skillet. While Skillet may not really fit my musically taste, his thoughts below are! Don’t misunderstand, John Cooper is not my new HERO – that spot is reserved for Christ Alone. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

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30 Book Challenge – My 2019 List

Ok so if you did not read 30 Book Challenge, you might want to go back and read that before proceeding.

Some of you have asked for “the 2019 reading list.” Below are some of the books I plan to read for 2019. You should make your own list – these are books that interest me. I promise you, you will not meet the 30 book challenge unless you are picking books that interest YOU! So, don’t try to read my list. Now that said, you might find some of the books below to be interesting to you. If so, great! Let’s get to reading in 2019.   Continue reading 30 Book Challenge – My 2019 List

30 Book Challenge

Love reading? Hate to read? Either way, I want you to consider joining me in 2019 for a “30 Book Challenge.” In our digital, social media, high-octane entertainment age – I realize that a challenge to pick up a black and white print book is so…. 1990’s. But yes, let me challenge you back to the stone age and invite you to read this year. You might not be ready for a “30 Book Challenge” and that is fine! Just pick a good book and get started reading.

Below is a list of 10 books I enjoyed in 2018 and 10 books that I plan to enjoy in 2019. I included some of the books I call, “fun reads” and other books that require more effort, coffee, and undistracted time.

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Reformation Day (Re-post)

It is that time of year. Fall, pumpkins, costumes, and….of course, candy!

I live in the wonderful state of Florida. Fall in Florida means there’s usually a little less humidity, an occasional cool breeze, and plenty of mosquitos to smack while kids gather candy on October 31st. Oh, the fondness of Fall memories growing up in Florida!

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I Want To Know What Love Is….

Love Bridge

Pictured above is the Paris – “Love Bridge”.  While I have walked this bridge with my wife, we never “locked” in our love.  The bridge is actually called the Pont des Arts.  Pictures do not do it justice! The Love bridgebridge is famous due to the endless padlocks placed there by lovers. Lock in your love and then throw the keys into the Seine river.  Romantic right?  And, in Paris no less!

The problem is that the guardrail of the bridge was not designed to hold all that extra weight.  The government and local Parisians have been asking tourists to stop locking in their love.  It is ruining their bridge!  The “Love Bridge” is collapsing under the weight of…. “Love”.

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I Like My Comfort….



A quick post this Friday afternoon for you to consider.

I like my comfort!  I like it when things go as planned and when I say “planned”, I am talking about MY plan….of course!  I like things to run smoothly.  Work, family, vacation, and all the rest, should run smoothly and as according to MY plan. And when it doesn’t, others, including God, may receive my displeasure.

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Gospel Hope In A World Gone Crazy


Republican Debate

The start of another year kicks off with yet another disappointing Presidential debate. More, Ridiculous banter, pathetic ridicule, and pre-planned talking points. Ugh!

In the midst of the presidential banner, the turn of the calendar also has me preparing sermons on racial unity and the Sanctity of Life. Sadly, in 2016, babies continue to be born clinging to life as a result of a botched abortion. Born living and breathing, these babies are then denied proper care and are left to die and ….it’s legal!  Pouring over Psalms 139 and mingling among the massive statistics of dead babies leaves me angry, sad, numb, and oddly enough…. full of hope.

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Finish The Race

Finish The Race


The apostle Paul, nearing the end of his difficult life, seeks to encourage his friend and son in the faith, Timothy.  Timothy is a pastor in Ephesus, where many of those that he and Paul considered to be friends are now opposing the message of the gospel.  Paul warns of these men and the effect of their false teaching in the church.

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Image is Everything



In the early 90’s, tennis star, Andre Agassi endorsed a certain type of camera and did so with a catchy attitude. The “attitude” and the Cannon Rebel camera soared into the psyche of American culture.  If you are old enough to remember the ad campaign, you will remember its’ slogan.  “Image is Everything.”

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